Review: Mass Effect 3 Game a computer game in the genre of Action\/RPG Canadian company BioWare, the third and final part of the series of games. The Publisher is the company Electronic Arts .February 14, 2012 year was released a demo version of the game. The full version of "Mass Effect 3 was released March 6, 2012 year on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. November 18, 2012 year version games for Wii U platform called "Mass Effect 3: Special Edition".In "Mass Effect 3, in contrast to the previous parts of the series, there is a multiplayer game mode.
These characters can become team-mates if they have survived in previous parts of the Mass Effect (Liara T'Soni, SUZY and James Vega will be team-mates anyway - they may not perish during the earlier parts of the game), while the level of preparedness of the Galaxy will not be high enough, each of the following partners may perish in the end of the game.
Ashley Williams-appears at the beginning of the game and helps in evacuating Shepard instead of Kajdena if Ashley survived in Mass Effect. A possible romantic interest Shepard-male. During the attack on the Citadel. Shepard could not take it in, and send to serve under the command of Hakketa. Can also die in the battle for Earth.
Cayden Alenko - appears at the beginning of the game and helps in evacuating Shepard instead of Ashley if Cayden survived in Mass Effect. A possible romantic interest Shepard of either sex. During the attack on the Citadel. Shepard may not take it in, and send to serve under the command of Hakketa. Can also die in the battle for Earth.
Garrus Vakarian - if he survived the second part, endorsed during the mission on the Moon Palavena. If Shepard-woman started a relationship with him in Mass Effect 2, it can continue. If not, he's no romantic relationship with Pulley tackle towards the end of the game. May die in the battle for Earth.
Ashley Williams-appears at the beginning of the game and helps in evacuating Shepard instead of Kajdena if Ashley survived in Mass Effect. A possible romantic interest Shepard-male. During the attack on the Citadel. Shepard could not take it in, and send to serve under the command of Hakketa. Can also die in the battle for Earth.
Cayden Alenko - appears at the beginning of the game and helps in evacuating Shepard instead of Ashley if Cayden survived in Mass Effect. A possible romantic interest Shepard of either sex. During the attack on the Citadel. Shepard may not take it in, and send to serve under the command of Hakketa. Can also die in the battle for Earth.
Garrus Vakarian - if he survived the second part, endorsed during the mission on the Moon Palavena. If Shepard-woman started a relationship with him in Mass Effect 2, it can continue. If not, he's no romantic relationship with Pulley tackle towards the end of the game. May die in the battle for Earth.
Tali'Zora-if you survive in the second part, appears before an attack mission Dreadnoughts of the Getae. If Shepard-the man has built his relationship with her in Mass Effect 2, he can continue. If not, she's no romantic relationship with Garrusom towards the end of the game. In addition, if Shepard lead romantic relationship with Tali, the cabin of the captain appears picture which shows the pulley blocks without a helmet and costume. If Shepard will getam destroy kvarianskij fleet, Tali commits suicide. If the Tali died in Mass Effect 2, the key moments of the mission at Ranohe it will replace the Å ala'Raan. Can also die in the battle for Earth.Liara T'Soni - joins the Å epardu during a mission on Mars, where she studies the Proteanskie archives. A possible romantic interest Shepard of either sex. May die in the battle for Earth.
James Vega - appears at the beginning of the game and helps evacuate Shepard from the Earth. Calls male Captain "Loco", which translated from Spanish means "crazy" Captain female calls "Lola", in honor of the sister of his friend, which he liked. May die in the battle for Earth. In the English version, voiced by actor Freddie Prince.
SUSIE - received an artificial body and can go with the team on the job. It is also possible romantic interest of the Joker. Or may die in the battle for land, leading to the Citadel, or in the end of "destruction"Âvik is the last representative of an ancient race of protean. You can take the team if there are Add-ons "from the ashes". May die in the battle for Earth.
Mass Effect 3 Game