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The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Game

Review: The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Game is a computer role-playing game developed by Polish company CD Projekt RED, explanations of the Witcher series of novels by the famous Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski (sequel), the sequel to the computer game the Witcher 2007 model year. Released May 16, 2011 year in 17 may in Europe and United States and April 17, 2012 year on Xbox 360.
Action game "the Witcher 2: assassins of Kings" begins shortly after the events of the game "the Witcher" and also in the world of books by Andrzej Sapkowski. The protagonist is still the Witcher Geralt of Rivia. According to Andrzej Sapkowski, it did not participate in the development of the plot of the game and didn't even know about its creation.

The plot, The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Game as compared to the first part of the game, has become more developed. It is also known that in the story of the protagonist will travel a lot, and in the game plot is implicated powerful magic. Developers have provided a high level of replay value, and by the middle of the game plot development options may be very different from one another.

The end of the story prologue ending assassination attempt on King Fol′testa. Geralt was unable to prevent the attempted and missed a mysterious killer who had "ved′mač′i" eyes. In "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" Geralt was accused of the murder of Fol′testa and it will go to investigate the crime and to restore its reputation.
The game improved and greatly changed gameplay compared to the previous part. One innovation was the ability to overcome small obstacles such as fences and some buildings. The battle system game redesigned. Combo will remain, but the system of Quick Time Events (QTE). As in the first part, there are bosses (huge monsters or powerful people sometimes ^). The average game takes more than 40 hours.
The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Game

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