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Transformers Fall of Cybertron

Review: Transformers Fall of Cybertron PC Video Game Full & Final Setup In A Single Direct Link Works For All Windows Operating Systems (Xp,7/8/8.1/9/10). Transformers Fall of Cybertron is a computer game in the genre of action from the company High Moon Studios for Windows platforms, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, released by Activision September 3, 2012 year. Now the game is available in the online store games "Steam". For the first time disclosed the magazine Game Informer, in which was placed a preliminary review of it. Place action game-planet Cybertron, the duration - even before contact with planet Earth

The campaign, unlike the previous game is not divided so much clearly on the game for the Autobots and Decepticons, and represents a single storyline of 13 chapters, of which 6 belong to the battle against unicron, 5.5 deseptikonam, 1.5 dinobotam. For each mission no longer provides a choice of three characters playable character strictly predetermined. Passage of tough campaign zaskriptovano, and the player is not given any choice affects the plot, and the ways to achieve the goal, but this is offset by the rich storyline, game conversations and special effects.

In multiplayer Transformers Fall of Cybertron Game mode, you can create your own transformers. Game types: "team play", "bounty hunter", "capture the flag", "protection" node "(base). Also in this mode there are new abilities, maps, and even characters (and to open them, you only need to save up money-Energon-in multiplayer battles and redeem new parts for character creation; they can be combined as you like when you create own transformer, you can also change the color and voice). Transformers are divided into classes, as in the previous game (Scientist, Scout, destroyer and titanium). The character can wear any kind of weapons inherent in its class. Weapons are also divided into two classes - standard and heavy [2]. To receive new weapons and abilities available to them all the improvements have to earn experience - to destroy opponents or tested, the available classes. As well, unlike the previous game in multiplayer not available special abilities for technical equipment (tanks cannot unfold at 180 degrees, the planes are not able to do "barrel", etc.).

Escalation is one of the most exciting game modes: create characters you can't, but you can play as Autobots or Decepticons (there are strict binding, what fraction is available on any map) and one of four proposed for each card. Play your own transformer or choose transformer over proposed four impossible. In the game the allies - people, enemies - the computer. You will be attacked by conventional soldiers, but with each wave they will become stronger and stronger. Number of waves - 15. Be treated, replenish ammo, buy weapons and improvement can be a way of spending money "video game"-ènergonnyh particles.Arcy and Slipstream from the previous games are not available in any of the regimes.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Game

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